It's very simple.
If you want more customers and sales, send more emails.
Although you and I may not have met yet, I can predict with certainty that you're not sending enough emails.
How do I know this? Because hardly anyone is sending enough emails.
Here's a key fact for you:
The average email open rate is 20%.
That means that to reach 100% of your customers, you would need, on average, to send five emails.
Or to put it another way, if you're only sending one email each month, it's going to take you five months to reach all of your customers.
You must get your customers used to receiving at least two or three emails each week.
The secret to doing that successfully is hot to bombard them with sales messages. Some of your emails should just be packed with useful information, or tips and advice, or links to your social media posts, or links to your online videos.
When you do that, your customers actually end up looking forward to receiving your emails and are more than happy if some of them make them an offer or encourage a sale.
Business owners are sometimes hesitant to send more emails because they're worried about people unsubscribing. I actually encourage people to unsubscribe.
I send emails every day to my customers. They are packed with useful information. My work is all about providing the greatest strategies in the world for Entrepreneurs who want to be at the leading edge of human excellence. If people don't want that info, that's fine with me. They can and should unsubscribe.
My business is a search for champions, and I suggest that yours should be too.
The search for champions is the search for people who are going to be great, long-term customers.
For me, those are the highly success-driven business owners who are seriously committed to at least doubling their profits. I'm likely to have relationships with these customers for the next 5 or 10 years or more.
You will have your own equivalent to that.
Such a customer is going to be more than happy to receive frequent emails from you - and you should be willing to let the rest go.
The other reason you should be sending more emails is that it's FREE.
Marketing for Free is good in the best of times. During this Recession, it's essential.
So please, send more emails!
How do you get your emails opened? You do that primarily with the title of your email. The title of your email is the most important part of your email. It’s like a headline in a newspaper ad. It determines whether the customer is going to read the rest of the email.
If you look down your inbox at the emails you get from businesses, they tend to have unbelievably boring titles, and that's why so many business emails aren't opened. “A 10 per cent price saving” is not an exciting email title.
If you look at the titles of the emails I send, they are hopefully either interesting, intriguing, funny, or controversial. I'll do whatever it takes it to get people to read the email. When an email comes into your inbox, you're going to be selective about the ones you open, so you must use creative titles in your email.

As a member of Chris Cardell’s VIP Inner Circle, you get access to the world’s most effective strategies to grow your business and increase your profits. Your VIP Inner Circle membership includes your monthly 24 page Business Breakthroughs newsletter mailed directly to you, exclusive Online Videos and Seminars, reports on Advanced Marketing, Sales and Internet Marketing strategies, a monthly Q and A call with Chris Cardell and exclusive access to the VIP Private Members Group on Facebook.
Chris Cardell is renowned for being able to show success driven business owners how to increase their profits by 50-250%. He has been featured on BBC, ITV, News at Ten and The Sunday Times. Chris Cardell is your direct access to everything you need to safeguard your business and increase your Entrepreneurial Wealth.